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Teen Stories

00: Editor's Note

Something I have just begun to fully understand is what culture means. When I was younger, I had never really paid attention to what it meant to be Chinese American. The only things that went through my head, understandably, were that Chinese food equals good and Chinese characters equals pretty but really hard to remember...

01: Way Off the Mark

COVID-19 has not only established extreme financial hardships at its peak, but social and mental barriers as well. Given the already worsening mental health crisis in the United States, the pandemic led to the exacerbation of a wide spectrum of mental health conditions. These psychological effects of COVID-19 should be further assessed to better create a solution...

02: The Eye Opening Pandemic

It is well established that America is currently the richest country in the world. Naturally, it would be understandable to believe that there would be economic equality in a country with a GDP of 21.43 Trillion Dollars...

03: Creating Normalcy in an Abnormal Time

A routine or habit often serves as a good way to live life. Breathing is a habit. Life is a habit. Or rather life is a succession of habits. Samuel Beckett, a prolific Irish novelist, described a routine as the “generic term for the countless treaties...

04: Psychological and Social Impacts of Covid

COVID-19 has directly or indirectly affected everyone including the wealthy and the impoverished, the abled and disabled, the privileged and underprivileged, and the young and aged. According to Psychology Today...

05: The Life Changing Pandemic

It was around January 2020 when I first heard about this "mysterious" virus that broke out in Wuhan, China. I did not think much of it because it was, or so I thought, "too far" to reach my country let alone where I was at the time: inside...

06: Out-of-School Life in COVID-19: Changes and Challenges during the pandemic

Because of the spread of COVID-19, China decided to shift all education online. As we were staying at home every day, our lives had greatly changed. Before COVID-19, we spent...

07: Where We Leave Off

Over the past decade, social media has grown exponentially. It has allowed us to connect with people around the world, explore new sectors of entertainment, and engage in stimulating conversations. It’s no doubt that the presence of social media has had a major impact on many people, particularly teens. Especially during the pandemic, with so many places being closed down, people turned to social media to vent out their frustrations and to express themselves...

08: The Organizations Involved:

09: Who Was Involved?

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