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2021-2022 Howard County BranchOut! Chapter

School Year BranchOut! Application



1. Current students at a Howard County high school (9th grader or older)

2. Possess good communication and interpersonal skills

3. Able to work in a multicultural environment

4. With strong Math, Science, English, Arts, Language, or Technology skills

5. Students with tutoring or relevant experience preferred

6. Strong team players who are willing to help disadvantaged students

7. Able to work independently and responsively, without parents' assistance, to check emails, respond to emails, and communicate with the BranchOut! team/tutee family

8. Able to to follow the program rules and instructions

9. Able to meet in person or use Google Meet or Zoom to conduct virtual tutoring sessions


Applicants will submit:

1. Application essay (please use a Word processor to edit your essays before submitting onto this application form): Briefly introduce yourself and explain why you are interested in becoming a mentor for Branch Out! (100-200 words).

2. A copy of your resume (make sure to include leadership experience, extracurricular activities, and any notable awards or achievements). 

3. Reference letter if you are interested in becoming a team leader or join the management team. This can be a teacher, coach, mentor, or anyone who has a professional relationship with you (no parents or friends). Please ask your recommender to email the recommendation letter to detailing your strengths, known weaknesses, and why you would be a good contributor to our program.

4. Non-refundable application fee. 


Important, please read: 

  • We will only invite qualified students for an interview. 

  • All applications to the BranchOut! program must be completed through this form.

  • All new and returning student mentors are required to apply. 

  • All decisions and communication will be done via student email, so please provide a valid email address (not a school email address) that you check frequently so that you don't miss important emails from us.

  • This application is for the school year tutoring program with HCAS. If you would like to participate in our summer 2022 program, you will NOT need to submit another application fee, but will need to submit another summer program form to secure your participation and claim your service hours. Failure to follow this will result in no service hours being verified. 



For Howard County Chapter related questions, please email or contact Dr. Meina Liu or Ms. Cuiwei Zhao at the Howard County Chinese School.


For general questions, please contact the headquarters at We will do our best to reply your email within a week.


No phone call is accepted.

2021-22 Howard County Chapter
School Year Application From 
What subject (s) are you able to tutor?
What day(s) are you available to serve?
Preferred tutoring time
Preferred tutoring methd
How often would you like to have a tutoring session?
How long would you like the tutoring session to last?
Upload Resume File

If you are 18- year-old or under, please ask your parents or legal guardian to sign the following waiver forms. 

1. Please read the HCCS waiver form at and upload the signed form. 

Upload HCCS Waiver File

2. By submitting this application (checking the "agree" box) , I agree to release and forever discharge and hold harmless BranchOut!, BranchOut! Howard County, and the Howard County Autism Society (HCAS) and their successors and assign from any and all liability, claims and demands of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise from my child’s (if under 18) participation in this activity which I understand is offered virtually.  


3. I certify that all the information provided here is true and has been given voluntarily and may be disclosed to any party with legal and proper interest.


4. I agree that the organizations listed above may take photographs and video of me and/or my child (if under 18) and that these images will be used to promote the organizations with no compensation provided to me or my child. 

Thanks for applying to BranchOut!

After you have submitted and paid the application fee, confirmation emails will be sent to the applicant (student) email address. Please look for them in your inbox/spam folder and wait for our notification for an interview.

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Greater Washington DC Area

8290B Old Courthouse Road

Vienna, VA 22182


Boston Area

1 Broadway St. 

Cambridge, MA 02142


Application Questions:


Partnership Questions:



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